Tuesday 26 May 2009

Tuesday May 26th

Went back for another session with my LP coach today :) She thinks my brain patterns are really stuck compared to many other people, so is happy to offer me more sessions :D

Was really good...we worked on my perfectionist patterns that seem to be holding me back a bit...and changed some bits of the LP, practising it in different situations. Then we did some hypnotherapy to try and work out where the perfectionism came from...as Gill thinks this is one of the main causes of my M.E.

Came out feeling amazing (this was about 5pm) and still feel amazing now (about 10pm) :D yay!!! maybe this time I've got it right!

Having a really good half term too...went to a friends BBQ sunday and to a friends to watch TV and eat ice cream yesterday :D

Will keep you updated


1 comment:

  1. Great to hear your "doing" very well Rosie :) I must say, your LP blog looks strangely familiar :p Very well written though - keep it updated, its a great way for you to look back on your acheivements if your ever feeling low.

