Tuesday 28 April 2009

LP Day 2

Have been trying to apply the lightning process since the session yesterday, and I cant say it was easy! Woke up and had my usual worries ("I'm so tired" "I'm not going to get through the day" "I'm never going to get better" etc) and had to use all my strength to use the LP and overcome them. Went to school and did my GCSE French Oral (it was pretty scary but not too bad.) At school I noticed many negative thought processess. The hardest one to overcome was getting frustrated about the "spaced out feeling" that I get around lots of people. Had to try SO hard to use LP to overcome this...and it actually worked!

When I arrived at the LP session everyone was excited about people's progress. The woman had managed to climb the stairs for the first time in 2 years, the man had gone for a five minute jog and not worried about M.E, the girl had concentrated on a conversation with her mum for half an hour, and I'd actually enjoyed a 5 minute ride on my bike. :) We were then taught the advanced parts of the lightning process (positive films) and this really helped me. I explained my problems to the coach, who helped me out and explained where I was going wrong.

By the end of this session I can honestly say I was the most calm, relaxed and happy that I've been in years! I went to my piano lesson this evening with a smile on my face, and although I felt the M.E tiredness towards the end, managed to get through it using the LP.

I'm aware that this is going to be such hard work, without saying the words of the process out loud I find it difficult at the moment. But I'm learning....and am sure that if I persevere then I'll get the results I want; an M.E free life! :)


Monday 27 April 2009

LP Day 1

Well today was the day :) Went for a lesson of school this morning, and then headed off to Bath to try the Lightning Process. Was pretty nervous, and by the time I arrived at the surgery was almost wishing I hadn't decided to come-I was so scared! Also sitting in the surgery was a man who looked about 20/30, a woman who looked about 40 and a young girl of about 20. They all looked pretty nervous too-which calmed me down a bit.

Finally the woman (Gill,) let us into the room, where she began to explain about the LP. She used many interesting exercises and examples to explain to us how the brain works, and later moved on to explain how we've got stuck into a circle of having M.E. We were encouraged to use the words "doing M.E" as this makes it seem as though we have the power to stop doing it. It's based on having a constant production of adrenaline, as if in the "fight or flight situation." Our bodies are designed to cope with this mass production of adrenaline for a couple of minutes, but if you start producing it almost 24 hours a day it suppresses the digestive system and immune system, and stops the brain working properly.
I was pretty much convinced after all this explaination that the LP was going to work for me :)

We then moved onto the cycle that forms the actual lightning process. Its very difficult to explain in words, but basically if you have a negative or worrying thought, you stop it before it can produce anxiety/adrenalin. Once you've stopped it then you congratulate yourself, and choose to "move on," rather than spend time worrying about it. Gill helped us practise this, and although I was sceptical, after only about 30 minutes of applying this process to my thoughts, I noticed my sore throat and headache had gone, and that my glands in my neck were definitely less swollen. One of the people doing the LP with me had come into the room barely able to stand, and now she could walk across the room! How amazing!!

Anyway I'll be applying the LP to everything I do between now and tomorrows session, and although its hard work, have high hopes for the future :)


Sunday 26 April 2009

Day Before the LP

Well the lightning process is tomorrow, and I'm not sure whether to be excited or scared! :)

Health wise I'm feeling mentally and physically drained; have spent the whole week and weekend trying desperatly to complete coursework for final deadlines, which has put me under a lot of pressure! I also have my GCSE French Oral on tuesday :S Understandably this has increased the headaches, brain fog, aching lymph nodes etc.....so am relying on the lightning process to help me out. I've had enough of this stupid illness!

Anyway, from now on i'll be posting daily, so hopefully you can see what the lightning process was like, and what effect it had on me :)

Bring on tomorrow......
Rosie xxx

Sunday 19 April 2009

About Me

My name is Rosie, I'm 15 and live in Wiltshire, UK. I've had M.E for roughly 2 1/2 years now, and am roughly 75% on the ability scale at present, although I seem to have become quite stuck at this level and haven't made any progress for a while :(! I attend school for 3/4 days, but am unable to do anything after school other than rest. This means I have very little time with my friends. I am also a very keen musician, who plays the flute at national level, along with violin and piano, although due to this illness I have had very little time to practise or take part in orchestras.

The main problems that I suffer from are severe fatigue, muscle aches, a "spaced out feeling" which really winds me up, headaches and a very low self confidence due to all of this.

After trying many other therapies and following a pacing programme for the last 6 months, any improvment has been minimal. I have therefore been inspired to take part in the lightning process by Ricky/Hiijinx, and other testimonials from friends and family.

I have been booked in for the three day course staring on Tuesday 28th April in Bath and am really hopeful that it will have a positive effect on my health, despite all of the negative comments that many members of AYME have had about it.

This blog is here so I and others can hopefully see me regain my health, and if that is so, to inspire others to take part in the Lightning Process.
